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Here are some frequently asked questions about Spine footwear


Strengthening and stretching the Achilles tendon and Plantar fascia are the mainstream of any rehabilitation program that addresses these pathologies. Spine shoes both stretches the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia and strengthens the calf and intrinsic muscles of the foot. If you have any of these pathologies ask your medical provider how you can integrate Spine shoes in your treatment program.

There is a really wide range of arch anatomy, from flat to cavus feet so it’s really difficult to have a standard arch support that works for every feet. Furthermore, arch supports weaken the intrinsic muscles of your feet by supporting/impairing the natural movement of the foot. Spine shoes follow a completely different approach, increasing the motion of your ankle and strengthening the intrinsic muscles of your foot, thereby providing you a naturally formed arch.

The molds of customized insoles are generally taken with the foot in zero degrees of dorsiflexion. Consequently your customized insoles may hurt your feet when you use them in your Spine shoes. If you have any foot condition that requires the use of insoles ask your pedologist how you can adapt them.

The sagittal imbalances more frequently affect the spine and the coronal imbalances more frequently affect the knee. Spine shoes modulate imbalances in the sagittal plane, thereby affecting mostly the spine and not the knee. We haven’t run any experimental study on knee pathology yet, but we have several case reports of users improving their knee symptoms. A theoretically hypothesis for this is that when a foot touches the ground in dorsiflexion, you control the pronation of the foot, that is a well-known mechanism of knee overload.

Lower back pain is a complex symptom of varied causes and severities. A common treatment approach is to try to control the symptoms by the least invasive way, starting with physiotherapy and medication and scaling up to injections and surgeries if the first steps aren’t enough. Spine shoes is a simple and non-invasive tool that helps decreasing hyperlordosis that is associated with vertebral instability. Our studies show that using Spine shoes decrease the lumbar lordosis in 19%, diminishing the load imbalances between the anterior and posterior aspects of the vertebrae and disks. If you have lower back pain ask your medical provider about how you can use Spine shoes in your treatment program.

Normal drop shoes increase the pressure in the front of the foot, overloading the metatarsophalangeal joints. The Spine Shoes inverted drop decreases the load in the anterior structures of the foot that are affected in both this pathologies. Furthermore, Spine shoe’s toe box is wide, respecting the anatomy of your toes, so they may splay naturally.

There are several recovery aids that can be used after sports. One of the main tools are compression garments that improve the peripheral venous blood return, theoretically draining all the metabolites that are accumulated during exercise. Our studies showed a peripheral venous blood return that is higher than the one provided by compression garments, without the need of using tight clothing.

There are several studies and even a metaanalysis that show that ankle dorsiflexion improves the activation of the pelvic floor muscles, being advised to do pelvic floor rehabilitation exercises with the ankles in dorsiflexion. Spine shoes dorsiflex your ankles all day, improving the activation of these relevant muscles. Furthermore, our studies showed an improvement in 8% in core muscle activation, thereby controlling the tendency to “rounded belly”.

When we are standing, a great part of our pool of venous blood is staying on our lower legs, in a rich venous plexus that crosses the calf muscles. More venous peripheral blood means more foot edema and “tired legs” sensation in the end of the day. Spine shoes stretch the calf muscles and increase their activation while walking, thereby diminishing this pool of peripheral venous blood. Our studies showed an increase of 71% of the blood flow in the vein in the back of the knee (Popliteal vein), measured by ultrasound. If you have a peripheral venous insufficiency, ask your medical provider how you can integrate Spine shoes in your treatment program.